Location Change for CASA Office

Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children (CASA) recently changed locations. The program, which serves abused and neglected children in foster care, is now housed in the First National Bank Motor Park building, located at 1410 10th Street, Huntsville, TX 77320 beside the Frank D. “Poncho” Roberts Aquatic Center.

“We are extremely excited about this move,” Executive Director Kimberly Weiser said. “The new location will allow us to expand our services and help us succeed in carrying out our mission.”

CASA programs around the country train volunteer advocates to act as a voice in court for abused and neglected children. Through regular contact with children and the important people involved in the child’s life, CASA advocates speak on behalf of a child’s best interest in court.

CASA serves children ranging in age from birth to 20 years, and works with each child to find a safe, permanent, and loving home. The local CASA program serves children in Walker, San Jacinto, and Trinity Counties.

CASA is open 9am to 5pm on weekdays and welcomes anyone interested in becoming part of the organization. The next training course for CASA advocates is scheduled to begin May 20, 2017 and applications are still being accepted.

For more information contact Kimberly Weiser at 936.291.6363 or visit casaofwalkercounty.org.

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