NOMINEE #5: Beata Krembuszewski
Beata has been an advocate since February 2019, and in her two years with CASA she has had two cases and served three children. She is a full time PHD student at Sam Houston University and makes juggling CASA work, school work, and personal life look so easy! In 2020 alone, she traveled over 1,000 miles to visit her children and spent over 60 hours advocating for them. She was also our October 2020 Advocate of the Month!
Beata has such a strong voice and has no issue advocating for her current CASA child while in court and outside of court. She has diffused many situations between parties involved and has volunteered to supervise phone calls between the child and parent at late hours of the day. Beata makes sure that her CASA child knows what her stance is on all things, and always takes time to explain so that she knows exactly what is going on.
We always look forward to having Beata attend our in-service trainings because she gives great feedback and contributes so much to our program. You can tell that she loves to learn and find out the best ways to advocate for her child. She loves being a CASA (so much so that she has helped us recruit some of her PHD classmates!) and we are so thankful to have Beata on our CASA team!