2022 New Advocate of the Year – Nominee #4


NOMINEE #4 – Cora Sims

As soon as training was completed, Cora has worked her case with passion and determined focus. She was sworn-in towards the end of November, and she immediately made two trips in December to make sure that the girls in her case would have an excellent Christmas.

In the first visit to the home where the young ladies had been reunited with their mother, she observed that the family did not have a Christmas tree.  Without delay, she reached out to CASA. She received instantaneous help from her fellow advocates.  Cora was able to give the mother a tree, decorations, and lights. With gifts supplied through the CASA Christmas Toy Drives, this family was able to celebrate Christmas at home with all of the trimmings!

She has also made an extra trip up to school to talk with the teenager in this case. The young lady had was in trouble for her behavior. Cora was able to meet with the child and the teachers. She was integral to a successful outcome of that meeting.

Cora has such a caring heart and is great at helping those in need. Cora brings such joy to those around her. She brings delight to the girls in her case, joy to the other advocates, and smiles to the staff when she comes to the office.

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