Welcome to the 2024 All About Kids Expo Resource Guide! Within this guide, you’ll find details for all participating vendors, including a description of their organization and/or the services they provide and direct contact information to enroll or learn more.

Click HERE to download the full 2024 Resource Guide.
- American Flip Factory: www.americanflipfactory.com
- Bearkat Course: www.bearkatcourse.com
- ETU Volleyball: www.ETUvolleyball.com
- Huntsville Baseball League / DYB Youth Baseball Program: www.huntsvillebaseballleague.com
- Huntsville Youth Football: www.HuntsvilleYouthFootball.org
- Huntsville Youth Soccer Association: www.huntsvillesoccer.org
- Legacy Martial Arts: www.legacymartialart.net
- MC Dance: www.mcdanceco.com
- Carolina Creek: www.carolinacreek.org
- Forest Glen Camps and Retreats: www.forestglen.org
- HEAP 2024: jrballard2.wixsite.com/heap
- Lion’s Club: www.lionscamp.com
- YMCA Camp Cullen: www.ymcacampcullen.org
- Abundance Of Deliverance Church: www.aod2021.com
- Covenant Fellowship Church: www.cfhuntsville.org
- Elkins Lake Baptist Church: www.elbc.org
- Faith Lutheran Church and School: www.faithhuntsville.org
- Fellowship of Huntsville Church – Xtreme KIDS: www.fohc.org
- First Baptist Church Huntsville: www.fbchuntsville.org
- Huntsville Church of Christ: www.hcoc.church
- Huntsville Nazarene Church: www.hnctx.org
- Northside Baptist Church: www.nbhuntsville.com
- University Baptist Church Kids Ministry: www.uhbc.net/vbs
- Alpha Omega Academy: www.alphaomegaacademy.org
- Boys and Girls Club of Walker County: www.walkercountykids.org
- Creed Classical School: www.creedclassical.org
- Huntsville Independent School District: www.huntsville-isd.org
- Huntsville Public Library: www.myhuntsvillelibrary.com
- Ignite Community School: www.ignitecommunityschools.com/huntsville/
- LearningRx: www.learningrx.com/huntsville/
- Summit Christian Academy: scahunstville.org
- Texas Blue Bird Society: www.TexasBluebirdSociety.org
- Tomorrow’s Promise Montessori Schools: www.tomorrowspromise.info
- City of Huntsville Parks & Leisure Dept: www.huntsvilletx.gov/158/Parks-Leisure
- Party in Your Yard: www.partyinyouryard.com
- Texas Elite Events: www.texaseliteevents.com
- Tom Foolery’s Pizza & Games: www.tomfoolerys.com
- Katie’s Sweets:
- Raising Cane’s: www.Raisingcanes.com
- A Space Between Counseling Center: www.spacebetweencc.com
- Believe Therapies: www.believetherapies.com
- Lone Star Family Health Center: www.lonestarfamily.org
- Rodgers Stein Chiropractic Huntsville: www.rodgerssteinchiropractic.com/huntsville/
- Victory Smiles Huntsville: www.victory-smiles.com
- Huntsville Youth Orchestra: https://www.facebook.com/hyotexas
Public Safety:
- Huntsville Police Department: www.huntsvilletx.gov
- Huntsville Fire Department: www.huntsvilletx.gov
- Adler Family Toys: www.alderfamilytoys.com
- Buck & Bo Children’s Shop: www.buckandbo.com
- Edward Jones – Ken Holland: www.edwardjones.com/us-en/financial-advisor/ken-holland
- Home Depot – Kids Workshop: www.homedepot.com
- Hope’s Bridge: www.Hopes-Bridge.org
- Payton Irwin Foundation-Don’t Text and Drive: www.peytonirwinfoundation.org
- Trail Life USA & American Heritage Girls: www.traillifeusa.com
- World Heritage Student Exchange: www.world-heritage.org