2021 New Advocate of the Year – Nominee #5


NOMINEE #5: Stacia King

Known for her attention to detail, Stacia is on it! Since she first started, Stacia has been great at communicating about what is going on with her case, asking questions when needed and advocating for the child in her case. She is incredibly caring, with a sweet demeanor that could make anyone want to sit down and have a conversation with her.

As an advocate, she is willing to do whatever is needed to help advocate for children in care. She is not afraid to reach out to parties in the case so that she has a full picture of all that is happening and how that will affect the child for whom she is advocating. She is timely about entering Contact logs and Training Logs and diligently seeks new learning opportunities from supervisors, other CASAs and at in-service trainings.

Stacia has also volunteered for things outside of her advocacy; She worked at the booth at the Coldspring Christmas Fair, helped decorate the float for their Christmas Parade and has attended special events so that she can develop relationships with other advocates.

This past year with Stacia has been a treat and we are grateful for her on the CASA team! Thank you Stacia for all that you do!

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