NOMINEE #1 rebecca jodzio
Rebecca Jodzio, or Becky, is such an outstanding advocate! She has been a CASA Advocate for 7 months and has been a major source of help to the family for which she is assigned. She took a case with an infant child who was placed with several other siblings that were removed prior to this child’s birth.
Becky has been consistent throughout the case by checking in on her CASA child as well as the care provider and siblings. She understands just how important permanency is for her child and she has been persistent with providing legal advocacy so that the path to adoption is successful.
We really appreciate Becky’s efforts; we know that as a volunteer there are many other commitments that could take precedence over her commitment to CASA, but she always shows up. She makes every monthly visit, checks in with her supervisor to make sure she is not missing anything, and is usually at every in-service we offer. We always say we have the best advocates, and it is because advocates like Becky remind us of that often.