NOMINEE #3 – Dave Hopper
(pictured: Dave helping “plant” stars to represent victims of child abuse at the San Jacinto County Courthouse)
Louis Hopper, who goes by Dave, is a quiet but zealous advocate. He may not say much but you can bet he is listening and taking account of every detail around him. He became a CASA just seven short months ago but has jumped in and hit the ground running.
When assigning an advocate to a case, careful thought and consideration goes into the process. With Dave, we knew he would be a great fit due to the nature of the case. We knew we would need someone who would pay close attention to details, and Dave has done just that. He has attended several visits between the child and parents, meets with the parents monthly, and does well with checking in with his supervisor to process the information he has. He has developed a wonderful relationship with his CASA child and is dedicated to ensuring he has the chance at a successful future. The past seven months have been wonderful, and we look forward to seeing Dave continue to grow as an advocate!