Lexie Pate!
Two, Four, Six, Eight…Who do we appreciate? Our August Advocate of the Month…Lexie Pate!
Lexie has been an advocate since November 2022 and is assigned to her first case in which she serves four precious kiddos.
She has done a fabulous job of building relationships with each child. This is no easy task with four children ages seven and under! Lexie is able to divide her time at visits so that each child receives attention. In addition, she spends quality time with the caregivers to offer them support and encouragement.
Lexie has also been very intentional about implementing Collaborative Family Engagement (CFE) tools. Using CFE has aided in learning important information about the family so that she in turn can serve them better. Recently, the children in her case went home on a monitored return, and Lexie immediately visited to ensure the family was transitioning well. She is using the knowledge gained through CFE to support the parents in the areas they may struggle. Ultimately, this collaboration between the advocate and the family will lead to a successful reunification so that when we are out of their lives, they will be a healthy family unit going forward.
In addition to incredible advocacy, Lexie supports the overall CASA program in many ways. She volunteers at events, attends in-services, and regularly spreads the message of our mission. Lexie is a wonderful representative of CASA, and her work is much appreciated by us all.