SONJA Thomas

There are no tricks, just treats, as we announce Sonja Thomas as the October Advocate of the Month! Sonja has been an advocate since February and was assigned to her first case at the end of July. It is a challenging case with a teen in crisis, and Sonja is doing an incredible job connecting with the child as well as communicating with all parties involved so that everyone can collaborate for her best interests. Sonja has also been well-prepared for court and given testimony that reflects her knowledge and insight into the case.
Unfortunately for this youth, reunification with her family is not an option. Due to severe behavioral and mental health issues, she has been in numerous residential treatment centers, and her parents are unable to care for her. Sonja has come alongside her and gained her trust and is developing a strong relationship with her. This young lady very much needs the kind of support and calming influence that Sonja brings to her life.
Recently, this teen celebrated a “milestone” birthday. Sonja made a visit to her residence and surprised her with a cake, balloons, and gifts. The happy girl commented to Sonja that she didn’t think anyone would remember her birthday, so she no doubt felt very loved and cared for that day. Sonja ensured that the other residents participated in celebrating the birthday, too, helping to make the day special and to help foster connections among the girls. On occasional subsequent visits to the placement, Sonja has taken snacks for all the residents so that her assigned child could continue to enjoy some “normalcy” activities.
Sonja has also reached out to resources that CASA has connections with to provide her assigned child clothes, shoes, and school supplies. She continues to monitor her needs so that she does not go without necessary items, as well as many of the things she wants. Her teen always expresses her delight at the things Sonja gathers for her.
In addition to direct advocacy, Sonja regularly engages in independent study on topics such as mental health, abuse, neglect, and trafficking. She has acquired far more training hours than the minimum required for the year.
Sonja is an advocate that goes above and beyond in her work for CASA, and we are extremely grateful. She is caring, committed, and kind—a real “treat” to our community!