

Location Change for CASA Office

Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children (CASA) recently changed locations. The program, which serves abused and neglected children in foster care, is now housed in the First National Bank Motor Park building, located at 1410 10th Street, Huntsville, TX 77320…

CASA featured in Postcards Magazine

Our CASA program was visited in December of 2016 by a writer from Postcards Magazine. In her visit we were able to share about the heart of our program, and our vision for the future. The full article is available…

A Very CASA Christmas

Christmas 2016 was overwhelmingly WONDERFUL! With donations from Huntsville Memorial Hospital, Ernst Jewelers, and friends from all over our 3 counties, we received over 300 gifts for our CASA kids! We were able to bless these families beyond what we’d…

New Advocate Training – January 2017

Thinking of becoming an advocate?? Of the current 102 children that CASA is serving in Walker, San Jacinto and Trinity Counties, 92 are being served by volunteer advocates.  This leaves 10 children without special advocates and they need your help! …